Ethical Considerations

Position Statement on Ethical Recruitment and Sustainability of Globe Nurses

CareHub Solutions, Inc. is a staunch opponent of labor trafficking and is looking for strategic partners to aid in its fight. The American Association of International Healthcare Recruitment (AAIHR) and CGFNS International's Alliance for Ethical International Recruitment Practices are two industry-leading associations whose codes we carefully follow. Nurses make almost half of the worldwide health sector, and there is a current and developing shortage. Despite the fact that statistics on the scale of the shortage vary, stakeholders agree that the global shortage of nurses is in the millions, with particular globe regions and countries being disproportionately affected. CareHub Solutions, Inc. proposes a principled approach to the ethical recruitment and sustainability of global nurses.
  1. RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL: Individual healthcare workers have a basic human right to migrate around the world to better their well-being, regardless of where they are in the world.
  3. Healthcare professionals must operate professionally and ethically, honoring promises and duties to employers, agencies, and governments to the extent that they are freely entered into and do not breach existing laws, including global standards on human trafficking and bondage.

  5. CareHub Solutions, Inc. does not enter into agreements, collaborations, or promotions aimed at attracting healthcare personnel in states where nurse shortages are frequent.

  6. REVIEW:
  7.  CareHub Solutions, Inc. reviews its pipeline of nurses obtaining assistance in migrating to the United States to data on the global nursing shortage on an annual basis.

  9. CareHub Solutions, Inc. uses the results of our annual reviews to plan nurse development investments in the states where our company has the greatest impact.